A little update on what the kids have been up to these past few months (these pictures are from the fall, obviously. My sister took them, and they're precious! They haven't changed much since then, except that Georgia's hair is about 3 inches longer. I'll post more current pictures soon.)
Gibson is doing really well in preschool, and is growing up to be a really handsome little guy. He is, for the most part, an incredibly easy-going and happy little boy. He turned 5 in January, and can't wait for kindergarten. It's hard to believe that we're there already! We discovered today that he doesn't really like needles - here's how: I had an appointment today to get a shot in my shoulder. My grandpa came, along with Gibson. The doctor came in and did the shot, and when he left I noticed Gibson was laying on the floor.
Me: Gibson, let's get going.
Gibson: No, I just want to lay down. (I pull him up and make him stand)
Nurse: Hey buddy, you look really pale. Do you want a drink of water?
Gibson: No, I'm ok (eyes roll back and he passes out on the floor!)
Everyone around: Holy crap! He totally passed out! Ensuing laughter.
He came to pretty quickly, then went out to the lobby where he proceeded to throw up.
Gibson: Blaaaat (that's the sound of him puking)
Me: Are you ok?
Gibson: Now THAT feels better. (eyes roll back and he passes out in the chair)
My grandpa picked up his limp little body and carried him out with his arm around his stomach, his body flopping over. Another throw up in the parking lot. Set him in the car, and try to make him understand that he CANNOT throw up in the car! He slept in the car, and about 15 minutes later he woke up, good as new, and said that he really didn't like that doctor and he never wants to go there again!
So that's the funny story of the day. I wanted to make sure to write that one down!
As for what else he's up to, he loves monster trucks and robots, is learning to play the Wii, still loves to draw and read, and just have a good time with his family. His best buddy is my grandpa, and he loves every minute he gets to spend with him. He also loves playing with our dog, Oscar. He hates long sleeves, and likes his hair to look like a T-Rex, whatever that means. He is very compassionate, and has an extremely tender heart. We joke that to discipline Gibson you just have to give him the stink-eye, but with Georgia you have to pull out the big guns and really get in her face. They are SOOO different!! Speaking of our little princess (of darkness!)...
Georgia is HILARIOUS. And I was totally kidding about the princess of darkness thing. She has a personality as big as her hair, and lets everyone know it. She loves playing with dolls, pushing dolls in the stroller, feeding dolls, changing doll diapers, putting dolls down for naps, giving dolls baths...notice a trend? She also loves talking on the phone (which is usually a calculator, block, or other rectangular device). Mostly she talks to "Goppa," my grandpa Gary. Typical conversation:
Ning Ning! Hey Goppa. Sup? Yo-kay? Good. Oh Goppa. Uh funny. Uh happen? Yo-kay? I kiss it. Mwah! Ok goppa. Yuh-you. See yater. Bye Goppa. Ning Ning!
And so it goes, over and over and over again with only slight variation. Because she's the little mommy, she is very bossy. I wonder where she gets the idea that mommies are bossy? But she's sweet as candy and gives the best kisses. She can count to 10, and sings the first and last parts of the alphabet. The whole H-S thing continues to illude her. She loves "rocking out" in the car with the music up loud, jumping, wearing jewelry and "peppess" (princess) shoes, hitting Gibson, and standing in front of the TV just to be annoying.
So that's a little bit of an update on the kids! More to come at some point, I'm sure!