a-attached or single: attached to Lu, my lucky husband
b-best friend: definitely my husband
c-cake or pie: cake, in any form. it doesn't even have to be baked.
d-day of choice: Sunday, and whatever Lu's day off is
e-essential item: debit card
f-favorite color: to wear, it's black or white. to decorate, it's brown. for everything else, it's green!
g-gummy bears or worms: bears, but chocolate trumps gummy every time
h-hometown: Springfield, OR
i-indulgences: Lu tickling my back, hot baths, cookie dough
j-January or July: Both - I wish it was July in January, and I wish it was January in July!
k-kids: Gibson - 3 years, Georgia - 7 months
l-life is incomplete without: my family
m-marriage date: July 6, 2002
n-number if siblings: 3 + 2 - older sis Jenell + hubby Jake, younger bro Braden + wife Jen, younger bro Dillon - he's 15 and available
o-orange or apple: apple
p-phobias or fears: monkeys and thunder (i know, i'm a wuss), along with all the typical ones (snakes, bugs)
q-quotes: "As long as you put in the work, you can own the dream. When the work stops, the dream disappears."
r-reason to smile: my kids
s-season: fall and spring
t-tag 5: Kelli Stilson, Michelle Rees, Jen Boss, Steph Jensen, Jenell VanPatten (get a blog, dangit!)
u-unknown fact about me: I make and sell gourmet dog treats online (The Treat Box Bakery)
v-vegetarian or meat-eater: ooooh...bring on the meat
w-worst habit: leaving cupboards open
x-x-rays or ultrasounds: ultrasounds, I've never had an x-ray
y-your favorite food: chinese
z-zodiac: Virgo, to a T