I've just been too lazy to post anything lately! So, here's a rundown of the past month and all that happened, and a few pictures, too!
- Georgia got her first in-salon haircut, at an adorable little place called Cookie Cutters. Before the cut, her hair was looking pretty shaggy. The funny part was that the top was so heavy it was hanging stick-straight - but the bottom was growing in super curly! The trick was to even it out a little...the end result is pretty cute! Sorry some of the pictures didn't get rotated before I attached them!

- We went to the Air Show up at Hill Air Force Base with Jake, Jenell, Jerik and Jackson. We had a great time, and the kids LOVED the planes! The motorcycle Gibson is standing in front of is the Air Force Chopper that was featured on TLC's American Chopper. He was SO excited! He loves motorcycles! Too bad Lu wasn't there to see it!

- Gibson got all signed up for pre-kindergarten at American Legacy Academy, and is so excited!
- Lu's nephew Ephraim got married to a cute girl named Jen. It was the first time in a long time that we had a chance to visit with Lu's family, and we had a really good time.
- I got to go to the Manti Pageant with my mom and grandparents. We spent the night there and had a great time driving around and visiting for 2 days! The last time I was on a trip with those three was in high school and we went to DisneyWorld. I hadn't seen the pageant since college, and it was amazing. It was also the first time I'd been back to Manti since Lu and I got married there!

- Lu and I celebrated our 7th Anniversary on July 6th!
- The kids and I spent some quality time with Grandpa Gary and Grandma Arloa at Cabela's, where we got some stinkin' cute pictures of them.

- I started working 2 days a week in the office, so the kids are hanging out at Jenell's house. She's been taking tons of pictures of the kids, but I'll have to post those when I get them from her.
- I spent three days with the Young Women at Youth Conference. Lu got to take 2 days off of work to spend with the kids while I was gone, and they had lots of fun. I had fun, too, of course!