Sunday, November 9, 2008

Finally...Halloween Pictures!

I wish I had more time this past week to post these pictures! But alas, things this week were even crazier than normal, although looking back I can't think of anything that actually got done. Oh well, such is the life of...well...everyone! Halloween really was a total blast this year. The day before, I was putting the finishing touches on Gibson's robot costume and Jenell came over with Jackson who was planning on being a ninja. Well, one thing led to another and pretty soon we were working on robot costumes for Jerik and Jackson, too! It was SO fun to have all three boys dress up together again (last year they were all pirates). They looked awesome in their costumes, and had a great time trick-or-treating. Gibson didn't quite get up to the neighbor's door before he face-planted on the ground. Note to self: don't make the box so long that the boy inside it can't bend his legs to walk! Gibson only went trick-or-treating for about 20 minutes before he was done, which was fine with me. Georgia was my little flower girl, and actually wore her entire costume for the entire night! She discovered that she loves suckers, which she won't be having again for a while. We spent the whole night at my parent's house - they had a bonfire with chairs, cookies and hot chocolate set up in the driveway. It was a total party for all of the parents and kids that came by! It was cold and rainy and all together a perfectly memorable evening!


Sharalea said...

What creative costumes! I love your trio of robots & your darling flower girl!! Looks like you guys had a great halloween! :)

Danielle said...

Wow you have cute kiddos!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Georgia's model pics... :P Ha ha...Can't wait for this Thursday!