Friday, September 5, 2008

Gibson's First Day of Preschool!

It's a fact. Gibson is officially a "real boy." On Tuesday he got to go to Preschool for the first time! He opted for a Spiderman backpack rather than Transformers, and wore it for 2 days straight before he actually needed to. His class is at the American Fork Rec center (it's so close I can see it from the backyard). He is actually in the 4 year old class, but so far he's fitting in great! He loves stuffing his backpack with the "projrects" he makes and singing the fun songs he's learning. I'm just amazed that he's so big. Only 2 years to kindergarten!


Jerolyn and Matt said...

What a big boy! He looks so cute with his backpack! That's awesome!

.. said...

No way! He is already going to Preschool?!? I cant believe it! He is growing up so fast! I still miss seeing him everyday! Tell him i miss him!