Sunday, October 12, 2008

Georgia's 1st Birthday

My, my, my. Our baby girl is no longer a baby! On Saturday, October 11th, we celebrated her first birthday! Just like with Gibson, I spent several minutes being very emotional. Here are the emotions I was feeling:

1. Sadness. She was just barely born, and here she is walking and getting into things and doing big-girl stuff! Where did the time go? I want my baby back, baby back, baby back....

2. Incredulity. What???!! Baby back??! What-ev. Babies are just way too much work. Thank goodness she is out of the needy baby stage. No more sleepless nights. She can stand up while I put her pants on, which is so much easier. No more formula. A front-facing car seat. Table food. This is the life!

3. Sadness again. My baby! She doesn't need me anymore! Today she can walk towards me, but tomorrow she'll be running away!

4. Reality check. She won't be running away from me. I mean come on, she still poops her pants! If she runs too far or too fast, she'll get a rash!

5. Admiration. Dude. She's gorgeous and funny and sweet and girly-but-not-too-girly. She is clever and smart - just enough like me to make me smile, and just enough like her daddy to make me laugh out loud. A true marvel of genetics.

6. Gratitude. What a choice blessing to have this precious little daughter in our family. She is one of Heavenly Father's daughters whom he has entrusted in our care. I will try and savor every moment with her and enjoy watching her learn and grow! Oh, how I adore my beautiful baby girl!


Sharalea said...

happy birthday pretty Georgia girl!
Love the post with all of your feelings, I am already feeling so many of those things as Jackson will be officially 4 months old tomorrow! YIKES...and YAY. Crazy emotions of motherhood.

Jerolyn and Matt said...

Happy Birthday, Georgia! That is so crazy that she is already a year old! Looks like you had fun in New York, too! That's awesome! Hope everyone is doing well. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh Britt, you're so sweet!!!!! I am holding up, but not quite as well as you think I am. :o) I definitely will stop by next time I am in American Fork. I miss you too. I want to see those adorable kids of yours.

.. said...

Happy Birthday Georgia! She looks so cute! Your kids are growing up way to still trying to get the opportunity to come up and see Gibson!

Kelli said...

Happy Birthday Georgia!!!! I will never forget the day she was born because it is a special day to us too! Oh how time flies-but what a special blessing each child is.